Zemgale knows how to surprise with cultural and historical monuments of European importance - the biggest and most luxurious castles and manors in the Baltics, the Struve meridian point located in Jēkabpils (included in UNESCO World Heritage List), the fairy tale and Dwarf Forest in Tervete nature Park, sinkholes in the vicinity of Skaistkalne, the largest lilac garden in the Baltics on the outskirts of Dobele, the white highways of Selia, memorial places of outstanding cultural workers in Aizkraukles and Jēkabpils counties, First World War Christmas battle locations in Tīreļpurvs, nearly twenty years of experience in organizing an international ice sculpture festival in Jelgava, ancient music festivals and the surprising "Bauska TASTE" festival in Bauska and Rundāle. Countless theatre and music festivals are held here in cities and rural areas, as well as rich fairs in spring and autumn. Here are popular places for berry and mushroom picking, and fishing in a clean, unpolluted environment, and here you can taste beer brewed from natural ingredients and other country delicacies. This and so much more can really surprise every traveller in the ever-green, thriving and blooming Zemgale!

So don't hesitate for a second, pack your backpack and go!

In the document of the Zemgale planning region "Sustainable development strategy for 2015 - 2030", the tourism sector is defined as one of the four main areas of specialization of the region's economic profile. According to the Zemgale planning region Development Program for 2021-2027, the goal of the tourism industry is to promote a coordinated and sustainable offer and competitiveness of tourism products and services by developing tourism destinations, promoting their diversity, development and digitization, increasing the visibility of Zemgale region, as well as strengthening the competitiveness of tourism entrepreneurs and their growth, tourism management and the capacity of support persons. Also, a cooperation agreement between the Zemgale Planning Region and the Zemgale Tourism Association has been signed, its purpose is to promote and support cooperation between the Planning Region and the local Tourism Association in order to ensure a balanced development of the tourism industry and its planning.

More information about tourism in Zemgale:

Zemgale welcomes

Travel guide “Zemgale welcomes”

In 2024, the travel guide "Zemgale welcomes" was published, which includes 340 tourist attractions and 5 different thematic blocks, which will help everyone to choose the most suitable and interesting route.

In Zemgale, everyone has the opportunity to discover something new. Whether it is a long-awaited escape from the noise of the city to rest the body and mind in the silence of nature, a real celebration for the taste buds, a romantic moment or loud and joyful adventures in the circle of friends and family - you can find it all right here near Aizkraukles, Bauskas, Dobeles, Jēkabpils , in Jelgava county and Jelgava state city. Perhaps Zemgale will surprise and please in completely unexpected ways!

This travel guide is an unique summary of Zemgale, which includes so many new things. For the convenience of travelers, the guide is divided into 5 thematic blocks, which will allow everyone to find the most suitable for them:

  • Get into nature!
  • Be active!
  • Zemgale for gourmets
  • Explore history
  • Enjoy winter in Zemgale

So many opportunities, so many options. All you have to do is choose!


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